Sorig Bad Kan Tea -Tea, strengthens digestion
The Tibetan tea is doing in the cold season well, heated and prevents colds; fought successfully occurring colds because he, among other things anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. It can maintain the digestive heat is weakened especially after eating sweets and cold drinks. In the summer he will be required on cold days, drinking in the winter after meals. 20 teabags x 2g, 40g. The tea bags with hot water pour over 5 min. Can be drawn, drink as needed.
To boost immunity and prevent a cold or flu, we recommend the Pelargonium tincture. It is also suitable for simultaneous intake with the Sorig Oogmi Daewa tonic. Art. Nr. 785
Punica granatum (pomegranate), Trachyspermum ammi (ajwain), Nigella sativa (black seed), Zingiber officinalis (ginger), Camellia theifera (Kamelia) Elettaria (cardamom), Cinnamomum zeylinacum (cinnamon).
Manufacturer: Institute of Tibetan Medicine Men Tsee-Khang, Dharamsala, Sorig products, Made in India.