Sarpagandha Ayurvedic tea for high blood pressure, dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation, soothes, helps to fall asleep
The herbal mixture helps normalize high blood pressure. In Ayurveda the Indian nard lat. Nardostachys jatamansi, u. a. used for high blood pressure, migraines. Jatamansi should be drunk twice a day for two weeks. It supports the circulatory system and helps to clean the blood (diuretic) and is also a nerve-tonic that is used to relieve stress and psychological tensions, anxiety disorders, depression, sleep disorders, migraines and tension headaches. The herb is a powerful antioxidant, coolant, anti-inflammatory and diuretic. It dissolves the mucus when coughing, lowers fever and is used for respiratory diseases.
Gotu Cola lat.Centella asiatica contains i.a. the amino acid arginine and release nitrogen, which makes the vessel walls more elastic and relaxes the aorta and veins. Blood flow can also become more efficient by improving blood flow properties, and increased blood pressure can return to normal. Gotu Cola stimulates the central nervous system, improves blood flow to the brain and its work, increases mental performance, memory and concentration.
The herbal mixture also helps to calm down and eliminates sleep problems.
Dosage: brew 1 teaspoon (2g), drink 2 times a day
Composition: Nardostachys jatamansi (Indian spikenard), Cymbopogon citratus (West Indian lemongrass), Centella asiatica (Indian water navel, Gotu Kola)