Siberian pine needle oil Abies sibirica, 50ml, promotes blood circulation, for colds, arthralgia, combats colds, has a mucous, animated spirit
Siberian pine needle oil Abies sibirica, 50ml, promotes blood circulation, for colds, arthralgia, combats colds, has a mucous, animated spirit
Siberian pine needle oil Abies sibirica
Siberian pine needle oil (pine needle oil) ?ac. Oleum Pini sibiricum is made from fresh needles and branch tops of the Siberian fir Abies sibirica was obtained by steam distillation. The Siberian fir grows in the ecologically clean Siberian regions and
The essential oil is not polluted by any environmental pollution. The essential oil of pine oil with pleasant refreshing,
Balsamic flavor has anti-bacterial, mucolytic, anti-spasm properties.
Areas of application:
In the case of colds internally as a blood circulation-promoting, mucolytic, antibacterial, externally for inhaling, spraying in the pharynx, for rashes in the chest area in case of digestive complaints with stomach pain as a cramping agent approx. 20 min before the meal with purulent skin rashes, against skin fungus as washes and compress, rheumatic Complaints, gout and neuralgia as an aid to the blood circulation, painlessness for impulses and as a drop to the ingestion as a blood circulation invigorating means, it promotes clear thinking and animates the mind
5-10 drops on tea spoon with honey or sugar up to 3 x daily
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