Stodal globuli
• Stodal globules are a homeopathic remedy that effectively eliminates the cough of respiratory infections, has an expectorant effect and also reduces the symptoms of cold and accelerates recovery. The Stodal Globuli are suitable for children from 6 years. They are very productive because 2 cans of a 4g.
• Important for homeopathic remedies: use the homeopathy compatible toothpaste and do not take any remedy when taking with peppermint and menthol. Menthol can slow down the effects of homeopathic remedies. For the teeth cleaning is also suitable, e.g. Kaisernatron, which can be found in the household.
Composition: Pulsatilla 3 CH, Rumex Crispus 6CH, Bryonia 3 CH, Ipeca 3 CH, Spongia tosta 3 CH, Sticta pulmonaria 3CH, Antimony tataricum 6CH, Myocardium 6CH, Coccus cacti 3CH
Auxiliaries: sucrose, lactose
Dosage: 5 globules 3-4 times daily